DW S&T Calendar
Official dates and times will be announced soon.
January 2021
DW S&T New You New Year
- Coat Drive Give Away
- Education on Power of Owner Ship
- Saving Anything Is Better Than Saving Nothing
- Educate; accounts, banks, credit, money
(Give away financial planners for everyone of all ages)
“Saving is better than not saving anything. Educate on credit.”
February 2021
DW S&T Change & Transition
- Educate; zoom meetings, positive conversations
- How does it affect your mental health
- Speaking Engagements; We all face mental health problems
(Give clothes away for cold weather to keep people warm)
“It is Tough, but it’s okay to always seek change. Do everything with love.”
March 2021
DW S&T Belief vs. Unbelief
- Educate; Always believe in yourself
- Actives to get people to believe in themselves
- Vision Board imagine; Yourself believe in yourself
(Give Away/ provide materials for people to create vision boards)
“If you can dream it you can do it.”